Monday, June 11, 2007

reciprocation is not caring

so if I leave you a comment and you respond and I leave you another and you respond and I don't leave a comment for a few weeks and you respond by not responding and we sit in silence and then I leave another comment and you respond, is that caring?...

I don't think so...


eric d said...

sometimes i think it is just that wall of social leaving a room. just as getting on a plane to the otherside is so much easier than facing that guy with the coffe who you have seen 5 times and known was there but never looked at, but for that one time, and if you said hi now you are supposed to know his name because fuck, wasn't he the guy in the theatre you talked to last year suddenly intensely then ignored on the stairmaster at the local Y the next day, thinking you were invading his space, or just feeling fat that day.
you know.

it's complicated...

candoor said...

I don't know if I am more amused by what you wrote (or if I ought to be) or by the fact that this afterblog finally has it's first comment...

thank you, either way...

stating the obvious, it took me almost a month to notice (I became complacent with the silence, as much as I railed against it)...

I don't know if this is supposed to make sense... this blog, the comments, or anything, but I am happy it is here...

thank you again, either way...

and as complicated as it sems from within the web, it's so simple when all the doors open and awareness shines through... suddenly everyone knows and the attention flows and clarity appears and everybody cares and it all becomes so real...

I remember that, I was there...

now I am here...